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The Aiken-Bamberg-Barnwell-Edgefield Regional Library System provides computers, which allow public access to a variety of electronic resources, including the Internet, to support its role of providing access to information and resources to meet the educational and recreational needs of library users.

Computer use within the library will be managed in a manner consistent with the Mission Statement, Behavior Policy and related policies of the ABBE Regional Library System. Computer users may not violate federal, state or local laws or regulations. Use of the computers to display or disseminate graphic pornography, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive material is inappropriate for a public and open environment and is prohibited. Use of the library’s computers is a privilege, not a right. Violations of this policy and related procedures may result in loss of computer and/or library privileges. Illegal use may result in criminal prosecution.

To use a computer with Internet access:

  • Users are required to read and accept the online Computer Use Policy before their use of any ABBE computer except library catalogs.
  • Residents of the ABBE service area must have a current library card in good standing to use a computer.
  • Non-residents may apply for a temporary guest card after showing a driver’s license or photo ID. There is a fee of $1 for this service.

Time Limits

With staff approval, up to two people may be seated at a single computer. Users may access only one computer at a time and must observe the designated time limits at each computer:

  • 45 minute session if other patrons are waiting.
  • Four-session limit per person per day.
  • Computers automatically turn off 10 minutes before closing time.
  • NOTE: Library staff may remind patrons when their time is up.


Use of personal portable storage devices to access data files and save or download files is permitted from library computers with appropriate capabilities. Operating or installing program files from such devices is prohibited.

Software & Hardware

  • Public computers have an Internet browser, Microsoft office, and a PDF reader.
  • Patrons may not bring their own software or hardware for use on library computers.
  • Patrons may not change the hardware or software configurations of library computers.

Staff Assistance

  • Staff’s ability to assist patrons with computer and Internet use is limited.
  • Staffing levels or workload may prevent the availability of any assistance.

Children Under 18

The ABBE Regional Library believes that the reading and viewing activity of children is the responsibility of parents who guide and oversee their children’s development. Some of ABBE’s computers are reserved for use by children. All computers in children’s areas are filtered for pornographic pictures and texts. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children when using any computer in an ABBE library.

Violating the Computer Use Policy

    • Library computers are to be used for legal purposes only.
    • Use of the computers to display or disseminate graphic pornography, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive material is prohibited.
    • Staff may end the session of any computer user who violates this policy.

Violations may result in the loss of Internet, computer, and/or library privileges.

  • Illegal use may result in criminal prosecution.

Wireless Access

  • The public may use personal laptops, PDAs or other wireless devices within the building or grounds of ABBE libraries offering this service.
  • Wireless access is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week without time limits.
  • The public may use wireless devices in any part of the library or grounds provided no obstacle or safety hazard is created.
  • Wireless access does not include connection to any library printers.

All Internet access is filtered and users must follow the Internet guidelines of this Computer Use Policy as well as the Behavior Policy and related policies of the ABBE Regional Library System. Users may not violate federal, state or local laws or regulations. Use of personal wireless devices to display or disseminate graphic pornography, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive material is inappropriate for a public and open environment and is prohibited. Violations of this policy and related procedures may result in loss of library privileges. Illegal use may result in criminal prosecution.

Personal wireless devices may plug into any available electrical outlets, however, the library is not liable for any damage created by power loss, surges, or brownouts.