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BIG FISH by Daniel Wallace

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Schedule for Book 2: Big Fish by Daniel Wallace
October 8 @ 5:30pm Movie (PG-13)
October 12 @ 12:30pm Movie (PG-13)
October 15 @ 6:30pm Discussion with Dr. Amanda Warren

Big Fish, a 1998 novel by North Carolina author Daniel Wallace, is the second of five novels to be presented between September 2024 and March 2025 as part of the discussion series, LET’S TALK ABOUT IT (LTAI) – SOUTHERN NOVELS ON PAGE AND SCREEN. With discussions led by USC-Aiken humanities scholars, LTAI is more than your average book club! Participants read, watch, and then compare the novels to their film adaptations.

“Edward Bloom was an extraordinary man. He could outrun anybody. He never missed a day of school. He saved lives and tamed giants. Animals loved him, people loved him, women loved him. He knew more jokes than any man alive. At least that’s what he told his son, William. But now Edward Bloom is dying, and William wants desperately to know the truth about his elusive father—this indefatigable teller of tall tales—before it’s too late. So, using the few facts he knows, William re-creates Edward’s life in a series of legends and myths, through which he begins to understand his father’s great feats, and his great failings. The result is hilarious and wrenching, tender and outrageous.”

Let’s Talk About It (LTAI) is intended for ages 18 and older
This program is m
ade possible with a grant from SC Humanities

South Carolina Humanities
Book registration begins August 12 at the 2nd floor Reference desk
Books will be available first come, first served
Movie viewings and book discussions take place in the 1st floor Meeting Room

For more information call 803-642-2020, Ext. 3.

BIG FISH by Daniel Wallace THE COLOR PURPLE by Alice Walker THE GRASS HARP by Truman Capote ERASURE by Percival Everett